Stability of the Triangular Equilibrium Points Influenced By Triaxial Primaries and Oblateness of Infinitesimal in the Elliptical Restricted Three Body Problem

Shilpi Dewangan, Poonam Duggad, A Narayan
International Journal of Analytical, Experimental and Finite Element Analysis
Volume 10: Issue 3, August 2023, pp 102-113

Author's Information

Shilpi Dewangan 1 

Corresponding Author
1G. H. Raisoni University , Mechanical Engineering Department, Saikheda, India

Poonam Duggad2

2Reaserch Scholar, Shri Shankaracharya Technical Campus, Bhilai, Durg 490020, India

A Narayan3

3Department of Mathematics, Darbhanga College of Engineering ,Darbhanga, Department of Science and Technology, Government of Bihar, India.

Article -- Peer Reviewed
Published online – 25 August 2023

Open Access article under Creative Commons License

Cite this article – Shilpi Dewangan, Poonam Duggad, A Narayan “Stability of the Triangular Equilibrium Points Influenced By Triaxial Primaries and Oblateness of Infinitesimal in the Elliptical Restricted Three Body Problem”, International Journal of Analytical, Experimental and Finite Element Analysis, RAME Publishers, vol. 10, Issue 3, pp. 102-113, August 2023.

This paper examines the effects of triaxiality of two primaries on the position and stability of the oblate infinitesimal motion about triangular equilibrium points in the framework of elliptical restricted three body problem. For determining the characteristic exponents of variational equations with periodic coefficients, we have used an analytical method, which is based on the Floquet's theory. The stability of infinitesimal around the triangular equilibrium points has been studied based on the analytical and numerical exploration which is simulated by drawing transition curves bounding the region of stability in the (μ-e) plane. The region of stability changed with variations in eccentricity, oblateness and triaxiality. It is observed that the equilibrium point is stable in the shaded portion of the transition curve, whereas it remains unstable outside the region of the transition curves.
Index Terms:-
Elliptical Restricted Three Body Problem; Stability; Triaxiality; Oblate infinitesimal particle.
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"/> Stability of the Triangular Equilibrium Points Influenced By Triaxial Primaries and Oblateness of Infinitesimal in the Elliptical Restricted Three Body Problem

Stability of the Triangular Equilibrium Points Influenced By Triaxial Primaries and Oblateness of Infinitesimal in the Elliptical Restricted Three Body Problem

Shilpi Dewangan
International Journal of Analytical, Experimental and Finite Element Analysis
Volume 10: Issue 1, March 2023, pp 21-28

Author's Information

Shilpi Dewangan 1 

Corresponding Author
1G. H. Raisoni University , Mechanical Engineering Department, Saikheda, India

Article -- Peer Reviewed
Published online – 31 March 2023

Open Access article under Creative Commons License

Cite this article – Shilpi Dewangan , “Stability of the Triangular Equilibrium Points Influenced By Triaxial Primaries and Oblateness of Infinitesimal in the Elliptical Restricted Three Body Problem”, International Journal of Analytical, Experimental and Finite Element Analysis, RAME Publishers, vol. 10, issue 1, pp. 21-28, March 2023.

This paper examines the effects of triaxiality of two primaries on the position and stability of the oblate infinitesimal motion about triangular equilibrium points in the framework of elliptical restricted three body problem. For determining the characteristic exponents of variational equations with periodic coefficients, we have used an analytical method, which is based on the Floquet's theory. The stability of infinitesimal around the triangular equilibrium points has been studied based on the analytical and numerical exploration which is simulated by drawing transition curves bounding the region of stability in the (μ-e) plane. The region of stability changed with variations in eccentricity, oblateness and triaxiality. It is observed that the equilibrium point is stable in the shaded portion of the transition curve, whereas it remains unstable outside the region of the transition curves.
Index Terms:-
Elliptical Restricted Three Body Problem; Stability; Triaxiality; Oblate infinitesimal particle.
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