International Journal of Analytical, Experimental and Finite Element Analysis (IJAEFEA) (e-ISSN 2394-5141 and p-ISSN 2394-5133) is quarterly publishing online International Journal. It is an online peer reviewed journal that publishes research papers, review articles and case studies in the discipline of Mechanical Engineering in subscription and open access publishing model, which emphasize new research and development for applications. Papers for publication are selected through peer review to ensure originality, relevance and readability. All submitted articles will be previously unpublished research results, experimental or theoretical. Manuscripts will follow the style of the journal subject to both review and editing. The mode of language is English.
All the papers in the journal will also be available freely online in full-text content and permanent worldwide web link.
IJAEFEA Features
- Plagiarism:All submitted paper is check by well known iThenticate/Plagiarism X Plagiarism software.
- DOI: After acceptance, a worldwide unique DOI Number is assigned to paper which is indexed by Crossref.
- Open Access: ijaefea is part of online open access, which allows authors to access published articles anytime and anywhere. All articles can be accessed for free.
- Full Archive Available: Every issue of Journal of ijaefea is available online from volume 1 issue 1 to the latest published issue with month and year.
With this regard we would like to request you to submit your original research papers for publication. Articles are invited for Current issue.
Journal information
- Editor-In-Chief:
- Dr. M. A. Kumbhalkar
Open Access
- ISSN: 2394-5133 (Print) Index Copernicus Value (ICV 2019): 83.99
ISSN: 2394-5141 (Online) ResearchBib Impact Factor : 1.35
DOI: 10.26706/ijaefea - Email:
Journal metrics
- ISSN Record Information
Forthcoming articles
Journal Metrics
Acceptance rate - 44% Submission to final decision - 30 days Acceptance to publication - 15 days Impact Factor - 1.35For authors
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About this journal
- 2394-5133 (Print)
- 2394-5141 (Online)
- Abstracted and indexed in
- Google Scholar
- J-Gate
- Index Copernicus
- Research Bible
- International Scientific Indexing (ISI)
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- EuroPub
- Advanced Science Index
- Copyright information