Structural Behavior of Hybrid Reinforced Concrete Short Columns Under Uniaxial Load
Alaa Hassoon and Khamail Abdul-Mahdi Mosheer
International Journal of Analytical, Experimental and Finite Element Analysis
Volume 10: Issue 1, March 2023, pp 11-20
Author's Information
Alaa Hassoon1
Corresponding Author
1Roads and Transport Engineering Department, University of Al-Qadisiyah, Diwaniyah, Iraq
Khamail Abdul-Mahdi Mosheer2
2Department of Civil Engineering, University of Al-Qadisiyah, Diwaniyah, Iraq
Columns are essential part of several civil engineering applications that relocate the weight of the superstructure and the other loads to the soil. Usually, columns are subjected to eccentric compressive loads. Sometimes, it is required to increase the cross-sectional area of columns to gain additional load capacity. This paper investigates the behavior of reinforced concrete columns under uniaxial loading. Five specimens of 0.2 × 0.2 × 1 m were fabricated to study the effect of type of concrete and near surface mounted NSM strengthening technique on the structural behavior of the columns. All columns were tested under uniaxial loads of 50 mm offset with simply supported ends. The presented strengthening techniques are flexible and effective. The experimental results showed that using of steel fiber concrete SFC of 1% volume fraction raised the ultimate load by 200% while increasing of concrete strength by 42.1% achieved just 36.4% additional load capacity. Also, strengthening of columns using NSM steel and carbon fiber reinforced polymer bars increased the load carrying capacity by 54.5 to 136.4%. Furthermore, the stiffness criteria increased by 105.3, 29.3, and 90% for the specimens with higher compressive strength, SFC, and strengthened with NSM steel bars owing to the additional stiffness provided. However, the brittle weakness nature of FRP composites in compression decreased the stiffness criteria by 14.6%.Index Terms:-
Concrete columns, Steel fiber concrete, Near surface mounted, Uniaxial loads.REFERENCES
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