Experimental Analysis of Nano Additive Thermal Storage in Central Receiver Tube

Kiran Beldar, Mohit Hambire, Jeet Raut, Salim Shaikh, Chinmay Thakur
Journal of Thermal and Fluid Science
volume 5: Issue 1, Jan-June 2024, pp 1-9

Author's Information
Kiran Beldar1, Mohit Hambire2 
Corresponding Author
1Department of Mechanical Engineering, St. John College of Engineering and Management Palghar, India
kiranb@sjcem.edu.in, vhambiremohit@gmail.com

Jeet Raut3, Salim Shaikh4, Chinmay Thakur5
2Department of Mechanical Engineering, St. John College of Engineering and Management Palghar, India

Article -- Peer Reviewed
Published online – 30 June 2024

Open Access article under Creative Commons License

Cite this article – Kiran Beldar, Mohit Hambire, Jeet Raut, Salim Shaikh, Chinmay Thakur “Experimental Analysis of Nano Additive Thermal Storage in Central Receiver Tube ”, Journal of Thermal and Fluid Science, RAME Publishers, vol. 4, issue 1, pp. 1-9, June 2024.

This project aims to investigate the efficiency of Nano additive thermal storage within central receiver tubes. This project works with the help of concentrated solar power on the central receiver tube. Nowadays the demand for the sustainable energy resource is increasing day by day. So, the technology of concentrated solar power system has emerged as the useful form of renewable energy generation. However, it is challenging to enhance the efficiency and the storage capabilities of concentrated solar power system. This study focuses on integrating Nano-additives into the thermal storage medium within central receiver tube to improve the efficiency of heat transfer and also the storage capacity. Nano-additive material such as Nanoparticles will be used in this project by incorporating it into the heat transfer fluid to understand its impact on thermal storage performance. In this project experimental analysis will be carried out considering thermal conductivity, heat capacity and stability of Nano additive thermal storage. Comparative studies will be conducted to assess the effectiveness of the Nano additives in enhancing heat transfer and storage capabilities compared to conventional thermal storage medium. In short, the experimental analysis of the Nano additive thermal storage in the central receiver tubes represent a significant step towards enhancing the performance and viability of concentrated solar power system.
Index Terms:-
solar; Nano additives; thermal storage; central receiver tube; heat transfer; experimental analysis.
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