Journal of Thermal and Fluid Science (JTFS) is an open access, peer reviewed online Biannual publishing journal devoted to the publication of original, high-quality research papers and ancillary features, spanning activities ranging from fundamental research to applications on various processes, energy systems and the environment. This journal also publishes contributions that employ existing experimental techniques to gain an understanding of the underlying discipline. This journal disseminates information of permanent interest in the areas of heat transfer, fluid science, thermodynamics, and combustion among researchers and engineers throughout the world. Manuscripts will follow the style of the journal subject to both review and editing. The mode of language is English. All the papers in the journal will also be available freely online in full-text content and permanent worldwide web link.
- Plagiarism:All submitted paper is check by well known iThenticate Plagiarism software.
- DOI: After acceptance, a worldwide unique DOI Number is assigned to paper which is indexed by Crossref.
- Open Access: jtfs is part of online open access, which allows authors to access published article anytime and anywhere. All articles can be accessed for free.
With this regard we would like to request you to submit your original research papers for publication. Articles are invited for Current issue.
Journal Information
Title: Journal of Thermal and Fluid ScienceShort Title: JTFS
ISSN: 2583-3022
Frequency: Biannual (2 Issues Per Year)
Publisher: RAME Publishers, India
Editor-In-Chief: Dr. Kishor S. Rambhad
Starting Year: 2020
Subject: Mechanical Engineering
Language: English
Publication Format: Online
Email Id:
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ISSN: 2583-3022
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