Solution of Temperature Fluid Particle in Incompressible Dusty Fluid with The Effect of Week Induced Magnetic Field
N. Jagannadham, B. K. Rath, D. K. Dash
Journal of Thermal and Fluid Science
Volume 3: Issue 1, June 2022, pp 28-31
Author's Information
N. Jagannadham1
Corresponding Author
1Department of Mathematics, GIET University, Gunupur, India, India
B. K. Rath2, D. K. Dash2
2Department of Mathematics, GIET University, Gunupur, India
It is possible for dust particles to naturally exist in fluids. In the study of fluid mechanics, these problems related to flow characteristics of temperature. How the magnetic field of suspended particulate matter affects the temperature axially symmetrical jet mixing of incompressible dusty fluid. we assume that the velocity and temperature in the jet deviate from the surrounding stream. To linearize the equation that was solved using Laplace Transformation, a perturbation method was used. The solution of temperature of the particle phase which is depends on fluid phase temperature with in the weak induced Magnetic field.Index Terms:-
Induced Magnetic field, Differential equations, Dusty fluid flow, incompressible fluid.REFERENCES
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