Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Composites: A Study
Karthikraj B Tavarageri
Journal of Production and Industrial Engineering
Volume 2: Issue 1, March 2021, pp 1-7
Author's Information
Karthikraj B Tavarageri1
Corresponding Author
1Department of Mechanical Engineering, Dayananda Sagar Academy of Technology and Management, Bengaluru-560082, India
The present world demands highly advanced engineering materials with unique mechanical and physical properties for most of the structural applications. Scientists and researchers are working hard to develop multifunctional materials to meet the demands of advanced applications. Matrices and reinforcements are the two major building elements of the composites. While the reinforcements pass on extraordinary materials properties to the composite, the matrix holds the reinforcements in their relative situate firmly. The matrices also protect the reinforcements from the external harm such as environmental, mechanical and chemical damages. Composites are broadly categorized as follows based the type of matrices (polymer, metal, and ceramics) and the geometry of reinforcements (particulate, flake, and fibers). The most widerly used advanced composites in the light weight applications such as aircrafts, spacecrafts, marine and sports equipment’s are polymer matrix-based composites (PMC’s). Polymers such as epoxy, phenolic and acrylic polyester etc. are used as matrices in the PMC’s. The reasons why they are most widely recognized in many applications include their simple processing methods along with their outstanding specific strength and stiffness properties. This work reviews the structure, classification, manufacturing techniques and applications of the currently existing Fiber reinforced polymer.Index Terms:
Fiber rein-forced polymer, Manufacturing Techniques, Applications.REFERENCES
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