To providing a peer reviewed platform to outstanding researchers to exhibit their findings for the furtherance of technology.

ABOUT Research Association of Masters of Engineering

Research Association of Masters in Engineering is committed to providing a peer reviewed platform to outstanding researchers to exhibit their findings for the furtherance of technology to provide a research forum. We are devoted to continual innovation to better support the wishes of our communities, making sure the integrity of the research we publish, and championing the importance of open research.
We invites young students, scientist, researchers, and academician to contribute your research and promote to convert their research work in technical papers. The publication would also help in enhancing awareness about the need to become innovative and research minded. All articles presented in the conference will published in renowned journals and available to scientific researchers and innovators all over the globe. We provide a forum to publish the complementary aspects in science and engineering using computational methods and experimental measurements, and to stress the importance of their harmonious development and integration. Our aim is to become an effective medium for inspiring the innovators and researchers to bring out their contributions in the form of research papers, articles, case studies, review articles and innovations in the fields of engineering, science and technology.

Committee Members

Dr. Manoj A. Kumbhalkar

Dr. Redheshyam H. Gajghat
Dr. J. D. Kene
Dr. Kishor S. Rambhad
Vivekanand Thakare

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