A Review on Utilization of Computer-Aided Design/Manufacturing Software in the Production of a Three-Wheeler Chassis
Shrikant D Yawalkar, Srinivasa Rao Pullivarti
International Journal of Analytical, Experimental and Finite Element Analysis
Volume 9: issue 4, December 2022, pp 70-75
Author's Information
Shrikant D Yawalkar1,2
Corresponding Author
1Department of Mechanical Engineering Christian College of Engineering & Technology, Bhilai, India
Srinivasa Rao Pullivarti2
2Department of Mechanical Engineering Christian College of Engineering & Technology, Bhilai, India
Currently, three-wheeler chassis are unheard of in the automobile business. It can be difficult to incorporate the characteristics of a conventional four-wheeled chassis into a three-wheeled chassis on a regular basis. It the present analytical study is to design and construct a three-wheeled chassis that can be used in real-time conditions. A computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) software package were proposed to be used to create the chassis in accordance with the specifications. This three-wheeled vehicle will serve as a substitute for two-wheeled vehicles in certain situations. According to the tadpole design, the vehicle will have two wheels up front and one wheel in the back. Because it is a perfect fit between the motorcycle and automobile categories, the vehicle must adhere to both motorcycle and automobile laws.Index Terms:-
Chassis, Dynamic stability, Mild steel, Torsional rigidity, CAD and Tadpole design .REFERENCES
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