Design Modification and Analysis of Disc Brake
Varun S. Shroff, Ishan M. Kulkarni, Abhishek S. Urankar, Sumit S. Salunkhe
International Journal of Analytical, Experimental and Finite Element Analysis
Volume 9: Issue 2, June 2022, pp 34-42
Author's Information
Varun S. Shroff1
Corresponding Author
1Design Modification and Analysis of Disc Brake
Ishan M. Kulkarni2, Abhishek S. Urankar3, Sumit S. Salunkhe4
2,3,4Department of Mechanical Engineering, JSPM Narhe Technical Campus, Pune, India
Many difficulties surround the heating characteristics of brakes when it comes to their creation, including contact region features, material choice, development of hot spots, associated physical geometry, and deformations, as brakes are subjected to continuous operation. Therefore, it is must for all vehicles to have proper brake system. In this report there is the modification of the disc and that results in the design are used to carry out analysis on it. The analysis of standard disc brake model and new design using in Ansys is done the Thermal analysis and Modal analysis also calculate the deflection and Heat flux, Temperature of disc brake model. Understanding the different forces (action and friction) which are acting on the disc brake, as well as how the disc brake operates more efficiently, will assist to reduce the number of accidents that occur each day. The primary goal of this research is to examine the brake disc's thermo-mechanical behavior during braking. The disc material is changed to carbon-ceramic, and the results of the FEA of the new design disc are used. This study presents the findings and the disc's future prospects.Index Terms:-
Disc Brakes, rotor, friction, ANSYS.REFERENCES
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