Design And Manufacturing of Sanitization Bot
Amit Bhor, Anvay Chavan, Pritham Gaikwad, Sanket Agalave, V. D. Karande
International Journal of Analytical, Experimental and Finite Element Analysis
Volume 9: Issue 2, June 2022, pp 15-19
Author's Information
Amit Bhor1
Corresponding Author
Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, JSPM Narhe Technical Campus, Pune, India
Anvay Chavan1, Pritham Gaikwad1, Sanket Agalave1
Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, JSPM Narhe Technical Campus, Pune, India
V. D. Karande
Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, JSPM Narhe Technical Campus, Pune, India
COVID-19 is the most serious threat we are currently facing. Our new normal includes wearing masks, gloves, sterilizing our hands, and having our temperature and oxygen level tested. However, people are still at danger in public settings when they use traditional sanitizer dispensers and assign a person with a temperature gun who is at risk of contracting COVID. Our sensor-based Automated System, called as Sanitization Bot, will be a better fit for the existing situation and is completely risk-free. We have used a MAX30100 sensor for measuring oxygen saturation (SpO2) level, MLX90614 contactless sensor for measuring temperature. We have linked the MAX30100 and MLX90614 sensors by using Arduino-UNO. For automatic dispensing of sanitizer, we have used IR proximity sensor, mini submersible pump and PNP TIP-32 transistor. We have fitted all of these sensors into a prototype. Thus, having a risk-free usage as well as saving time and resources also.Index Terms:-
Sanitization Bot, MLX90614 contactless temperature sensor, MAX30100 Pulse Oximeter Sensor, Arduino UNO, COVID, IR Proximity Sensor, TIP32 PNP Transistor, Prototype.REFERENCES
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