Experimental Analysis and Performance Evaluation of Solid Desiccant Dehumidifier Using Silica Gel
Zafar Alam and Taliv Hussain
International Journal of Analytical, Experimental and Finite Element Analysis
Volume 9: Issue 1, March 2022, pp 1-8
Author's Information
Zafar Alam
Corresponding Author
Mechanical Engineering Department, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India. 202002
Taliv Hussain
Mechanical Engineering Department, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India. 202002
Simple and Economical method to produce dehumidification is by solid desiccant wheel with a desiccant material (silica gel) which attract moisture from moist air. Experimental analysis of the working of the dehumidifier desiccant wheel is indicated in this work with actual thought to the performance deviation as a function of airflow rates at the process side and ambient temperature for hot and humid conditions. The silica gel is reactivated by an electric heater which is fixed in the reactivation portion. Flow rates of the air have been varied (that is, 2.8, 3.5, 4.5, & 5.2 m/s) at the process section of the desiccant wheel, while on the reactivation section, airflow rate is constant (i.e., 2.8m/s). At various ambient temperatures (i.e., 32, 33, 34, & 35°C) and various airflow rates, performance parameters also analyzed like Moisture Removal Capacity (MRC), Dehumidification Coefficient of Performance (DCOP), dehumidification effectiveness, and Sensible Energy Ratio (SER). We observed that the optimum values of these performance parameters in this work are obtained at 3.5m/s air velocity at the process section and 34℃ ambient temperature. Optimum values of these parameters show a decrease in energy used and improved air quality in the conditioned space.Index Terms:-
desiccant wheel, regeneration, dehumidification, moisture removal capacity, sensible energy ratio.REFERENCES
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