Design of Dual Slider Shaper Machine
Mahesh Buradkar, Shubham Masamwar, Sahil Kolhe, Kunal Daiwalkar, Khushal Mandhare, Sandip Thengane, Runal Patil
International Journal of Analytical, Experimental and Finite Element Analysis
Volume 8: Issue 3, September 2021, pp 108-112
Author's Information
Mahesh Buradkar1
Corresponding Author
1Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Rajiv Gandhi College of Engineering, Research and Technology, Chandrapur, India
Shubham Masamwar2, Sahil Kolhe2, Kunal Daiwalkar2, Khushal Mandhare2, Sandip Thengane2, Runal Patil2
2Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Rajiv Gandhi College of Engineering, Research and Technology, Chandrapur, India
The tools are usually shaped using a shaping machine, which can be horizontal, vertical, or tending. Materials are moulded from both ends in a dual sider shaper machine, making it more advantageous than a regular shaper. Dual Sider Shaper Machine assists industry in achieving high production rates in the shortest period of time and at the lowest cost. A dual side shaper machine is created in this project with the help of a rapid return mechanism. The motor's rotating action is transformed into linear motion, which shapes the material attached to both ends. The rapid return mechanism converts reciprocating momentum into rotating motion.Index Terms:-
Shaper, rapid return mechanism, turning motion, materials, linear motion, flywheel.REFERENCES
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