Design and Development of CNC Foam Cutter
Dr. A. P. Ninawe, Vijeet Khadilkar, Mohammed Muzammil, Nihal Mankar, Yash Tiwari, Aniket Thakre, Pranay Bawankar
International Journal of Analytical, Experimental and Finite Element Analysis
Volume 8: Issue 3, July 2021, pp 76-81
Author's Information
Dr. A. P. Ninawe
Corresponding Author
Department of Mechanical Engineering, KDK College of Engineering, Nagpur, India
Vijeet Khadilkar2, Mohammed Muzammil2, Nihal Mankar2, Yash Tiwari2, Aniket Thakre2, Pranay Bawankar2
Department of Mechanical Engineering, KDK College of Engineering, Nagpur, India
Hotwire acting is a commonly used method to cut various types of foam in different shapes and sizes. Cut quality of foam depend upon variable cutting parameters of hotwire which affects the cutting process to achieve the needed cut, precise and accurate cutting parameters are needed to be set this research is done to develop 4 axis computer-controlled machine to perform precise and accurate foam cutting using hot wire and to identify suitable cutting parameters to improve foam cutting. This CNC has two mutually perpendicular axes controlled using a motor and micro controller. This design will aid UAV designers, Aero- modeller & hobbyist for rapid prototyping of wings, fuselage & different shapes, also it has wide application in RC modelling, signage, scale model & props, etc. this will save time, increase productivity and quality of cuts.Index Terms:-
— welded joint, structure analysis, stress analysis, welded detailsREFERENCES
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