Study of Rail-Wheel Performance during Curve Negotiation
Deven Subhash Darak, Prathamesh Prasad Gogate, Saravanakumar Shanmugaiah, Kaif Mukhtar Shaikh
International Journal of Analytical, Experimental and Finite Element Analysis
Volume 8: Issue 1, June 2021, pp 48-53
Author's Information
Deven Subhash Darak
Corresponding Author
Department of Mechanical Engineering, JSPM Narhe Technical Campus, Pune, India
Prathamesh Prasad Gogate, Saravanakumar Shanmugaiah, Kaif Mukhtar Shaikh
Department of Mechanical Engineering, JSPM Narhe Technical Campus, Pune, India
Failure in wheels mainly occurs when the train travels on a curved track. When a train runs on a curve maximum load on one wheel. Three types of forces are applied on the wheel while in contact with the rail. Three-dimensional finite element model of the wheel rail interaction is used to investigate the effect of applied loading forces on the wheels. The Interaction between left and right wheel is considered. The wheels are analyzed for the effect of forces on wheels such as Vertical force, Centrifugal force and also Lateral force. This paper also discusses the comparison of safe speed and radius of curvature. The model has been created in Catia software and the finite element analysis has been done in software code and ANSYS. The proposed simulation accurately shows the real geometry and the wheel rail interface. The numerical results show that the speed and radius of curvature are inversely proportional.Index Terms:-
— Curved track, Finite element method, Rail-wheel, FEA.REFERENCES
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