Design and Approach of CNC Foam Cutter
Dr. A. P. Ninawe, Vijeet Khadilkar, Mohammed Muzammil, Nihal Mankar, Yash Tiwari, Aniket Thakre, Pranay Bawankar
International Journal of Analytical, Experimental and Finite Element Analysis
Volume 8: Issue 1, June 2021, pp 43-47
Author's Information
Dr. A. P. Ninawe
Corresponding Author
Department of Mechanical Engineering, KDK College of Engineering, Nagpur, India
Foam is widely used material in various industries for multiple applications. Similarly in the UAV industry which is one emerging industry across globe uses different foams for UAV design, pattern making, UAV manufacturing and many more. Some Foam are lightweight with certain rigidity which makes it suitable for small UAV aircraft. In the early stages of development of aircraft various design iterations are done using foam by UAV designers. To save time of this foam cutting process & improved precision accuracy in cut. This can be achieved using Computer numerical control Foam cutter. This design CNC foam cutter aims to resolve mentioned issues & provide feasible solutions for cutting foam in wing shapes. This study will explain the design and approach of CNC foam cutters.Index Terms:-
— CNC Machine, Hotwire Cutter, Foam Cutter, UAV, CAD Design, GCodes..REFERENCES
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