Study for The Manufacturing of Manually Operated Washing Machine
Pramod H. Sahare, Tejswini Madavi, Balaji S. Kamble, Manish J. Kajliwale, Arti Dhurve, Mrunal Ataram
Volume 7: Issue 4, Dec 2020, pp 109-113
Author's Information
Pramod H. Sahare1
Corresponding Author
1Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Rajiv Gandhi College of Engineering, Research and Technology, Chandrapu, Maharashtra, India
Tejswini Madavi2, Balaji S. Kamble2, Manish J. Kajliwale2, Arti Dhurve2, Mrunal Ataram2
2Students, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Rajiv Gandhi College of Engineering, Research and Technology, Chandrapu, Maharashtra, India
A manually operate machine is the exchange of energy from a human source to a required mechanism. A pedal operated mechanism is most ordinarily utilized for transportation and has been used to drive bicycles for over a hundred years. A pedal mechanism is used for the manufacturing of manual washing machine where pedal power is utilized for run mechanism for washing of cloths. A machine is designed with different mechanical components specifically for the rural area where electricity is not available. A machine transmitted power through pedal mechanism where mechanical energy is converted into a work. An individual can produce multiple times more power (1/4 HP) by pedaling and continuous pedaling can be served for short periods i.e., around 10 minutes to wash cloths in machine. As an outcome, a pedal operated washing machine with a chain mechanism can transfer motion to rotate a drum where cloths can be wash in specific time period and also reduces human effort.Index Terms:-
Pedal Powered, washing machine, manually operatedREFERENCES
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