An Evaluation on Computer Aided Design, Analysis and Mechanical Properties of Hatch Cover Opening Hooks
Ömer ŞENGÜL, Menderes KAM
Volume 7: Issue 4, Dec 2020, pp 91-100
Author's Information
1Phd Student, Düzce University, Düzce, Turkey.
Menderes KAM2
Corresponding Author
2Assistant Professor, Düzce University, Düzce, Turkey.
Warehouses inside the ship are of great importance in maritime transport. Due to the adverse weather conditions in maritime transport, hatch covers must be manufactured appropriately and installed on ships. In this study, Computer Aided Design (CAM), manufacture, analysis, and mechanical properties of hatch cover opening hooks used to close stock type warehouse lids in maritime transport were examined. In literature studies, the mechanical properties of St-37, St-52, St-44, St-70, AISI 4140, Weldox 700 and Hardox 600 steels and aluminum 6061 materials used as hook materials were examined. In the studies, it is seen that curved crane hooks and the same materials are preferred in these hooks. It was concluded that it would be appropriate to use St-37 from structural steels, AISI 4140 steel from tempered steels and high strength Weldox 700 steels as hook material. There is a need for the design and manufacture of special hooks for cranes made to open and close the hatch covers. Hook design and analysis by Finite Element Method (FEM) should be done and stress values should be examined, and accretion stress points should be determined by this FEM and a reliable manufacturing should be done. In addition, optimum conditions will be achieved by designing and manufacturing hooks with economical, long life and high mechanical properties.Index Terms:-
Hatch cover, Hooks, CAD, FEM, Mechanical PropertiesREFERENCES
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