Design Optimization of Foldable Hangar Door for Naval Ships
Abhijeet S. Daule and A. D. Diwate,
Volume 7: Issue 2, July 2020, pp 45-52
Author's Information
Abhijeet S. Daule1
Corresponding Author
1ME Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, JSPM NTC Pune, Maharashtra, India
A. D. Diwate2
2Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, TSSM BSCOER Pune, Maharashtra, India
After landing of helicopter on the deck of naval ship, it is to be protected from the sea atmospheric condition. For this purpose, a parking area is available on the deck of ship. The aft end of helicopter is enclosed in the hangar on deck of ship with the help of Foldable Hangar Door system. It is two door panel system which are foldable hanging type at the hinges at the top of hangar. The purpose of this system is only for proper movement of helicopter and its protection from different sea states conditions. In this project, after studying the available Foldable Hangar Door, different site issues related to the reliability of system are observed and that are tried to overcome by providing alternate possibilities as well as design optimization of system is done for the improvement of performance of system. In this project the issues which were causing difficulties are modified with new design and with some alternate solutions. The new system of Foldable Hangar Door is modeled and designed with performing the analysis of the new alternate possible solutions and are compared with the old design system in each aspect including weight of system, the performance of system etc. The system is also analyzed for different loading condition including sea atmospheric conditions are compared with the old design and found to be performing well. Hence new design approach of the system is further proceeded for the approval of customer where it will be validated for the specified system operating condition which are already specified by them while doing the designing.Index Terms:-
Foldable Hangar Door (FHD), Top Lock Pin, Top Lock Assembly, ALJO Door, MAFO Door, Primary Assembly, Secondary AssemblyREFERENCES
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