Analysis for Effect of Slight Pitch Difference on the Fatigue Life of Bolt
Nikhil D. Salunkhe and A. D. Diwate,
Volume 7: Issue 2, July 2020, pp 37-44
Author's Information
Nikhil D. Salunkhe1
Corresponding Author
1ME Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, JSPM NTC Pune, Maharashtra, India
A. D. Diwate2
2Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, TSSM BSCOER Pune, Maharashtra, India
In this work fatigue failure is examine for bolt with nut connections, when a slight pitch difference is established between bolt and nut. To improve the fatigue life, there are three types of slight pitch difference processed on the specimens and results are discussed in terms of FEM analysis. Taking into consideration the standard dimension bolt and nut connection having pitch difference of (α) =0 μm, the bolt fracture does not happen at the No. 1 thread by introducing a slight pitch difference of (α) =5 μm and pitch difference (α) =15 μm, is observed. Furthermore, it is having been discovered that the fatigue life of bolt can be increase by introducing some slight pitch differences. The effect of bolt-nut connection with slight pitch difference, on the fatigue failure of bolt is discovered.Index Terms:-
Bolt-Nut Connection, Pitch Difference, Finite Element Method, Fatigue life.REFERENCES
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