Development of A 360-Degree Rotating Vehicle Mechanism
Pramod H. Sahare, Jennis Saji, Gladson Prasad, Vedant Satpute, Vaibhav Gogulwar
International Journal of Analytical, Experimental and Finite Element Analysis
Volume 11: issue 2, June 2024, pp 44-48
Author's Information
Pramod H. Sahare1
Corresponding Author
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Rajiv Gandhi College of Engineering, Research and Technology, Chandrapur, India
Jennis Saji2, Gladson Prasad3, Vedant Satpute4, Vaibhav Gogulwar5
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Rajiv Gandhi College of Engineering, Research and Technology, Chandrapur, India
This vehicle has four directions of motion. This allows the car to be driven in tight spaces and around abrupt turns. Regular wheeled vehicles have numerous issues, such as parking. U-turn and much more, giving customers additional time. Thus, the purpose of a 360-degree wheel spinning vehicle is to minimize and completely eradicate issues that arise during material handling in various industries. This system can rotate 360 degrees since each of its four wheels has a stepper motor providing drive. To propel the vehicle in either direction or in reverse, there are four DC motor drives. An RF remote is used to regulate the growth of the 360-degree spinning vehicle mechanism. Therefore, in order to convey items larger than bags and from diverse views, we will utilize this 360-degree spinning device.Index Terms:-
360 degree, rotating mechanism, vehicle, steeper motor.REFERENCES
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