Design and Fabrication of Qudrapedal Robot
Sangam Rane, Pravinkumar Yadav, Vikrant Chaturvedi, Satyaprakash Chaudhary, Vivek Tambe
International Journal of Analytical, Experimental and Finite Element Analysis
Volume 11: Issue 1, March 2024, pp 25-31
Author's Information
Sangam Rane1, Pravinkumar Yadav2
Corresponding Author
Department of Mechanical Engineering, St. John College of Engineering, Palghar, India
Vikrant Chaturvedi3, Satyaprakash Chaudhary4, Vivek Tambe5
Department of Mechanical Engineering, St. John College of Engineering, Palghar, India
One of the challenges facing while navigating a mobile robot over different terrains is the inability of the robot to adapt to different terrains. Most of the existing designs of the robots are designed for navigating on a specific terrain, so it is only applicable to a dedicated application. A single multi-purpose robot is cost-effective than multiple dedicated robots. To address the above mentioned problems an innovative design is proposed termed as Multi-terrain Multi-utility robot. This paper describes the design and analysis of and vehicle with a wall maneuvering capability. Its applications include search and rescue, mapping, surveillance and military purposes.Index Terms:-
Qudrapedal Robot, Leged Robot, Theo-Jansen Mechanism.REFERENCES
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