Design and Analysis of Vertical Axis Windmill Blades
Sangam Rane, Vaishnavi Patil, Dhanesh Seniyar, Omkar Yadav, Ayush Patil
International Journal of Analytical, Experimental and Finite Element Analysis
Volume 11: Issue 1, March 2024, pp 17-24
Author's Information
Sangam Rane1, Vaishnavi Patil2
Corresponding Author
Department of Mechanical Engineering, St. John College of Engineering, Palghar, India
Dhanesh Seniyar3, Omkar Yadav4, Ayush Patil5
Department of Mechanical Engineering, St. John College of Engineering, Palghar, India
As an alternative to traditional horizontal axis windmill turbines vertical axis windmill turbines (VAWTs) have gained attention due to their unique design and advantages in certain applications. One of the very important components of VAWTs is blade design which significantly influences the turbine’s efficiency, reliability and performance. This abstract focuses on the advancements and considerations in designing vertical axis windmill blades. These abstract reviews the fundamental principles of aerodynamics governing VAWT blade design and highlights key design parameters such as chord length, twist angle and blade shape. In conclusion, the designs of vertical axis windmill blades in a complex and multidisciplinary field that requires a holistic integrating aerodynamics, material science and mechanical engineering.Index Terms:-
Pipe Inspection; Wireless Communication; Pipeline, Characteristic, Metal Pipe.REFERENCES
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