Design and Development of Pipe Traversing Robot
Sangam Rane, Miten Bawkar, Yash Mhatre, Shreyas Thakare, Shubham Rasal, Abhishek Sawant
International Journal of Analytical, Experimental and Finite Element Analysis
Volume 11: Issue 1, March 2024, pp 13-16
Author's Information
Sangam Rane1, Miten Bawkar2
Corresponding Author
Department of Mechanical Engineering, St. John College of Engineering, Palghar, India
Yash Mhatre3, Shreyas Thakare4, Shubham Rasal5, Abhishek Sawant6
Department of Mechanical Engineering, St. John College of Engineering, Palghar, India
Pipe inspection robots are devices that are placed inside pipes and check them for blockages or damage. Traditionally built offshore, these robots are expensive and often not adequately supported in the event of an accident or malfunction. This situation leads to restrictions in environmental services. Recently, pipes and pipes have been missing in many factories, and many machines have been developed for the inspection of these pipes in the past. Wired robots are already in practical use, but they have a lot of power and signal cables. Hence the new inspection robot. The use of wireless communication is considered very important for long pipelines and long pipelines such as straight, vertical and curved. However, sending a wireless signal is not very effective because the characteristics of the signal wave are affected by the shape and material of the pipe. For this purpose, we use metal pipes and ceramic pipes to measure the characteristics of the wireless signal and create a wireless communication signal.Index Terms:-
Pipe Inspection, Wireless Communication, Pipeline, Characteristic, Metal Pipe.REFERENCES
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