Design and Fabrication of Rocker Bogie System
Uday Prajapati, Mayuresh Dodal, Aaditya Choudhary, Chirag Bagdawal, Vikas Dombale
International Journal of Analytical, Experimental and Finite Element Analysis
Volume 11: Issue 1, March 2024, pp 6-12
Author's Information
Uday Prajapati1, Mayuresh Dodal2
Corresponding Author
Department of Mechanical Engineering, St. John College of Engineering, Palghar, India,
Aaditya Choudhary3, Chirag Bagdawal4, Vikas Dombal5
Department of Mechanical Engineering, St. John College of Engineering, Palghar, India
This paper presents the design and fabrication of rocker bogie robot for overcoming the rough terrain and uneven surfaces. The primary objective of this robot is to overcome the rough terrain and without tipping over, while carrying load. The design of rocker bogie mechanism is inspired by NASA’s Mars rovers. This is currently NASA’s favored design. Many spaces organization are currently working on this mechanism. The fabrication process involves the selection of material, assembly of components and utilization of electronic components for motion and control. The robot capabilities are evaluated through field tests and its performance through real world scenario. The results show the effectiveness of the design in achieving the agile motion and showing its potential for applications in overcoming the rough terrain, search and rescue missions.Index Terms:-
Rocker Bogie; Wheel type Robot; Mission.REFERENCES
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