Design and fabrication of Lake Cleaning Machine
Aniket Patil, Sagar Patil, Bhaveshkumar Pawar, Sarvesh Gharat, Deep Gharat, Anubhav Singh
International Journal of Analytical, Experimental and Finite Element Analysis
Volume 11: Issue 1, March 2024, pp 1-5
Author's Information
Aniket Patil5
Corresponding Author
Department of Mechanical Engineering, St. John College of Engineering, Palghar, India
Sagar Patil1, Bhaveshkumar Pawar2, Sarvesh Gharat3, Deep Gharat4, Anubhav Singh5
Department of Mechanical Engineering, St. John College of Engineering, Palghar, India
Surface water bodies, such as lakes, often suffer from pollution due to various anthropogenic activities, leading to detrimental effects on aquatic ecosystems and human health. In response to this pressing environmental challenge, we propose the development and evaluation of an innovative automatic lake cleaner machine designed to effectively remove surface pollutants. This research paper presents the design, implementation, and performance evaluation of the automatic lake cleaner, focusing on its efficiency in removing debris, floating contaminants, and pollutants from the water surface. Through rigorous testing in simulated and real-world lake environments, we assess the cleaner's effectiveness, operational reliability, and environmental impact. Additionally, economic considerations and scalability potential are discussed to facilitate practical implementation and widespread adoption of this technology for sustainable lake remediation efforts. Overall, our findings demonstrate the promising capability of the automatic lake cleaner machine as a viable solution for enhancing water quality and preserving the ecological integrity of lakes and other surface water bodies.Index Terms:-
Lake Cleaner, Remote Control, Controller.REFERENCES
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