Optimizing Crash Performance in Aluminum-Polyamide Hybrid Material Systems: Insights from Drop-Weight and Quasi-Static Indentation Testing
Ihab S. Hasan, Emad Q. Hussein
International Journal of Analytical, Experimental and Finite Element Analysis
Volume 10: Issue 4,
December 2023, pp 134-150
Author's Information
Ihab S. Hasan1
Corresponding Author
1College of Engineering, University of Kerbala, Karbala, Iraq
Emad Q. Hussein 2
2College of Engineering, University of Kerbala, Karbala, Iraq
This study delves into the behavior and performance of hybrid material systems, specifically focusing on the synergy between aluminum and polyamide-based composites during impact events. Through a series of quasi-static indentation and drop-weight impact tests, the research evaluates the dent resistance, energy absorption, and interface interactions of these materials. Results indicate that while composite laminates provide superior resistance to surface denting in low-energy impacts, aluminum exhibits vulnerability. However, when strategically combined, these materials offer mutual benefits, enhancing overall performance. Key findings reveal the significance of having a ductile material on the top surface to dissipate contact stresses and a sturdier bottom material to resist impact-induced bending. Furthermore, the threshold for delamination between the hybrid materials is identified, with indications that enhancing interfacial bond strength can elevate this threshold. This research underscores the importance of judicious hybrid material design for optimizing crash performance and sheds light on potential applications in automotive and aerospace industries, where both impact resistance and aesthetics are paramount.Index Terms:-
Hybrid material systems, Quasi-static indentation, Drop-weight impact, Aluminum-polyamide composites, Energy absorption, Interfacial bond strength, Dent resistance, Impact-induced bending, Material design, Crash performance.REFERENCES
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