Design, Analysis and Development of A Portable Trolley for Stair Climbing

Ajay Mahawadiwar
International Journal of Analytical, Experimental and Finite Element Analysis
Volume 10: Issue 3, August 2023, pp 96-101

Author's Information

Ajay Mahawadiwar  

Corresponding Author
G. H. Raisoni University , Mechanical Engineering Department, Saikheda, India

Article -- Peer Reviewed
Published online – 25 August 2023

Open Access article under Creative Commons License

Cite this article – Ajay Mahawadiwar “Design, Analysis and Development of A Portable Trolley for Stair Climbing”, International Journal of Analytical, Experimental and Finite Element Analysis, RAME Publishers, vol. 10, Issue 3, pp. 96-101, August 2023.

The investigation proposes an inventive minimal effort setup of a stage that can without much of a stretch ascend stairs. This stage fills the need of a robot. The stage's structure can be used to define many variations, such as stair climbing and stair climbing trolleys for transferring materials. The driving wheels have a shape that perfectly matches the means' profile. Complex components are discarded. In this manner, this stage is advantageously relevant in the arrangements helpful for climbing staircases. The versatile plan additionally diminishes the space when not being used. The sliders given in the trolley, slides the articles on trolley and thus diminishes the human endeavors.
Index Terms:-
staircase-climbing trolley, climbing staircases, portability, less space, less human effort.
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"/> Design, Analysis and Development of A Portable Trolley for Stair Climbing

Design, Analysis and Development of A Portable Trolley for Stair Climbing

Ajay Mahawadiwar
International Journal of Analytical, Experimental and Finite Element Analysis
Volume 10: Issue 1, March 2023, pp 21-28

Author's Information

Ajay Mahawadiwar 1 

Corresponding Author
1G. H. Raisoni University , Mechanical Engineering Department, Saikheda, India

Article -- Peer Reviewed
Published online – 31 March 2023

Open Access article under Creative Commons License

Cite this article – Ajay Mahawadiwar , “Design, Analysis and Development of A Portable Trolley for Stair Climbing”, International Journal of Analytical, Experimental and Finite Element Analysis, RAME Publishers, vol. 10, issue 1, pp. 21-28, March 2023.

The investigation proposes an inventive minimal effort setup of a stage that can without much of a stretch ascend stairs. This stage fills the need of a robot. The stage's structure can be used to define many variations, such as stair climbing and stair climbing trolleys for transferring materials. The driving wheels have a shape that perfectly matches the means' profile. Complex components are discarded. In this manner, this stage is advantageously relevant in the arrangements helpful for climbing staircases. The versatile plan additionally diminishes the space when not being used. The sliders given in the trolley, slides the articles on trolley and thus diminishes the human endeavors.
Index Terms:-
staircase-climbing trolley, climbing staircases, portability, less space, less human effort.
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