A Study for Optimization of Helical Gear Performance for Improved Energy Efficiency
Justin Chacko Pulicktharayil, Amit Sarda, Chandra Shekhar Sahu, Radheshyam H. Gajghat
International Journal of Analytical, Experimental and Finite Element Analysis
Volume 10: Issue 2, June 2023, pp 38-41
Author's Information
Justin Chacko Pulicktharayil
Corresponding Author
Christian College of Engineering and Technology, Bhilai, India
Amit Sarda, Chandra Shekhar Sahu, Radheshyam H. Gajghat
Christian College of Engineering and Technology, Bhilai, India
This study focuses on the optimization of helical gear performance for improved energy efficiency. Helical gears are widely used in power transmission systems due to their high load capacity, smooth operation, and low noise characteristics. However, they are also associated with significant power losses, which affect the overall efficiency of the system. Therefore, this study aims to investigate various design and optimization techniques that can reduce power losses in helical gears and improve energy efficiency. The study includes a literature review of the current state of research on helical gears and their performance optimization. It also includes the development of a mathematical model to simulate the behaviour of helical gears and evaluate their efficiency. The model considers various design parameters such as gear tooth profile, pressure angle, helix angle, and number of teeth, and their impact on power losses and efficiency. The results of the study demonstrate that optimization of helical gear design parameters can significantly reduce power losses and improve energy efficiency. The study also highlights the importance of proper lubrication, surface finish, and material selection for enhancing gear performance. The findings of this study can be useful for designers and engineers working on power transmission systems to improve their efficiency and reduce energy consumption.Index Terms:-
Helical gears, power transmission, energy efficiency, optimization, design parameters, power losses.REFERENCES
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