Finite Element Analysis of Self-Compacted Concrete Filled Steel Tube Columns Exposed to High Temperatures
Waleed Khalid Mohammed, Khamees N. Abdulhaleem, Shwan H. Said, Qais F. Hasan
International Journal of Analytical, Experimental and Finite Element Analysis
Volume 10: Issue 1, March 2023, pp 1-10
Author's Information
Qais F. Hasan4
Corresponding Author
4Departmrnt of Suveying Engineering, Technical Engineering College- Kirkuk, Northern Technical University, Iraq
Waleed Khalid Mohammed1, Khamees N. Abdulhaleem2
Civil Engineering Department, University of Kirkuk, Kirkuk, Iraq
Shwan H. Said3
Department of Environmental Engineering and Pollution, Technical Engineering College- Kirkuk, Northern Technical University, Iraq
To represent the structural behavior of self-compacted concrete filled steel tube composite columns under axial compression loading after high temperatures exposure, a nonlinear three dimensional finite element analysis model has been achieved to analyze these columns using ANSYS R-15 software. An eight-node solid brick element (Solid65) is used to represent the concrete, while a four-node isoparametric shell element (Shell63) is used to represent the steel tube for the analyzed composite columns. A Newton-Raphson incremental-iterative approach is used to simulate the nonlinear solution technique. The finite element method results indicated that the predicted ultimate loads and axial deformations for the analyzed four column specimens agree well with the experimental results for normal strength and high strength concrete in static loading up to failure, and therefore, it is sufficient to model how these columns behave. The reduction in the analytical ultimate loads compared to the experimental values ranged from 11% and 16%, while the reduction in the total axial deformation values ranged from 3% to 7%. The yield patterns obtained from the analyzed composite columns under axial compressive stress are comparable to the yield patterns determined from the experimental study.Index Terms:-
self-compacted, composite column, steel tube, finite element, ANSYS.REFERENCES
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