Curbing Energy Deficiency Social Policies among Vulnerable Internally Displaced Persons in Northeastern Nigeria - A case study of Borno, Yobe and Adamawa State
Obed John Dagwa
Volume 1: Issue 1, August 2020, pp 25-31
Author's Information
Obed John Dagwa1
Corresponding Author
1Department of Research and Communication, Northeast Development Commission, Nigeria
In this research paper, it draws attention to the discussion on social policies for mitigating energy poverty in Vulnerable and Internally Displaced Persons. This urgently needs a policy approach that would mitigate the current rising levels of energy deficiency to a sustainable Internally Displaced Community with a healthier future. While conducting an energy prices, the policy framework and household income, we conduct a preliminary investigation of energy deficiency from a macro-level perspective and associated policy interventions in the United Nations. Obtained from a non-classical qualitative comparative analysis, the results clearly show that the deficiency in energy can be deduced from highly substantial interdependence that may be summarized in two paths; that is, low household income and focus on energy policy, and high rate of energy prices and energy-policy focus. Surprisingly, myfindings indicate that an energy policy focus is found in Internally Displaced Persons Camp with the highest levels of deficiency in energy. Furthermore, it also offers deep analysis into the absence of energy, where social policy seems to play the key role. Taken together, this argue that the IDPs facing above-average energy deficiency are captured in an energy-deficiency trap, whereby the existing energy-policy focus does not yield the desired results and the social policy is often too costly to implement due to the problem's magnitude. The main concern is that prioritizing any of the policies may slow down the transition to a sustainable energy community if the Internally Displaced Persons. Therefore, there should be a call on the Government and the International to further examine the energy deficiency phenomenon and to also participate in creating effective policies.Index Terms:-
Curbing, Energy Deficiency, Social Policies, Vulnerable, Internally Displaced Persons, Northeast Nigeria.REFERENCES
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