Optimization of Pin Fin Heat Sink Using Taguchi Method
Sayali R. Bhalerao
Volume 1: Issue 1, August 2020, pp 17-20
Author's Information
Sayali R. Bhalerao1
Corresponding Author
1Department of Mechanical Engineering, G.H.Raisoni College of Engineering and Management, Pune, India
The ever-increasing need to reduce the cost of production due to intensified competition has forced engineers to search for robust decision-making approaches such as optimization. As a result, architecture optimization was designed to help engineers build systems that are both more effective and less costly, and to introduce innovative approaches to improve the efficiency of existing systems. Optimization of engineering can best be defined as a systematic mathematical approach to define and choose the best choice from a set of possible alternative designs (Rao, 1996). Optimization can be extended to solve any technical problem in its widest context Techniques for optimization are currently being used in a wide variety of sectors, including the aerospace, automobile, MEMS, pharmaceutical, electrical and industrial sectors. The difficulty of problems being solved using optimization techniques is no longer a issue in the advancement of computing technologies. Optimization approaches combined with advanced Computer Aided Design (CAD) techniques are also used to facilitate the innovative process of imaginative and complex engineering systems design.Index Terms:-
Heat transfer, Micro fin array, MEMS, micro-fin, heat transfer, Computer Aided Design (CAD), heat sink, micro heat sinksREFERENCES
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