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1Department of Mechanical Engineering, G. H. Raisoni College of Engineering and Management, Pune, India.
2Department of Mechanical Engineering, G. H. Raisoni College of Engineering and Management, Pune, India.
The micro-technologies have recently gained popularity in numerous
computer applications. The micro-technologies are now being used in many systems for
cooling purposes, but knowledge on the thermal efficiency of micro-fins under forced
convective heat transfer conditions is still minimal. Correlations between heat transfer
coefficients and fine geometry have already been studied, but are not adequate to
optimize the microfinned array architecture. For this purpose, the present investigation
provides an overview of the behavior of micro-fins taking into account, for the first time ,
various heat sink metrics: the efficiency of the fines and the coefficient of mass specific
heat transfer. The findings of an original experiment are combined with the current data
in the literature. In terms of material use micro-fins are always found to be positive. In
these light micro fins in those applications which require a minimized weight of the heat
sinks can be considered advantageous. In addition, a small effect is observed due to the
Index Terms:-
Heat transfer, Micro fin array, Reynolds numbers, forced convection,
aluminum paint, micro-fin, heat transfer, heat sink, cpv, cooling, micro heat sinks.
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