Review on Applications of Nano fluids in Refrigeration System
Md Shahid Nadeem, Dr. Vivek Khond
Volume 1: Issue 1, Dec 2020, pp 50-56
Author's Information
Md Shahid Nadeem1
Corresponding Author
1P.G. Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, G.H. Raisoni college of Engineering, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India.
Dr. Vivek Khond2
2Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, G.H. Raisoni college of Engineering, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India.
Sustainable energy and development demands would be the subjects of human development that were always closely researched. Technological development and progress in the design of models would solve the clean energy problem. The new innovation in nano-based technology in the past decades has been widely applauded for its approach towards reducing the consumption of energy with its applications on several heat transfer systems including solar collectors, heat exchangers, thermal storage systems, electronic cooling and so on. The study highlights the effectiveness of thermal physical properties of nanoparticles such as high thermal conductivity, dynamic viscosity, increased stability and homogeneous particles, as well as reduced energy use. Various simulation program are observed for nanoparticles such as (Cu, Al2O3, CuO, TiO2) showing promising results with different nanoparticles size and volume fraction. The trend advantages of nanoparticles over conventional cooling are good for heat transfer and high thermal conductivity with a very low concentration of particles. Thus, the challenges and leading examples of nano-fluids in the future would be more concerned with energy needs.Index Terms:-
Nanoparticles, thermal conductivity, volume fraction, heat transfer enhancement.REFERENCES
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