Experimental analysis of solar drying system for vegetable and fruits
Sagar P. Kadu, Ashwin A. Kamble
Volume 1: Issue 1, Dec 2020, pp 44-49
Author's Information
Sagar P. Kadu1
Corresponding Author
1Assistant professor, Department Of Mechanical Engineering, JSPM Narhe Technical Campus, Pune, India
Ashwin A. Kamble2
2Assistant Professor, Department Of Mechanical Engineering, JSPM Narhe Technical Campus, Pune, India
This study is concerned with performance analysis of solar drying system for Vegetable & Fruits like (Grapes, Potato, Onion and Banana). The dryer is used to dry 5 kg of Vegetable & Fruits. Study the effect of drying as well the climatic and operational parameters on the dryer performance. The experiment was performed with and without reflective mirror. The maximum collector outlet temperature was 66 0C and 810C without and with reflective mirror respectively. It was found that the average temperature inside the dryer without mirror was 630C which is below the maximum allowable temperature for ginger of 65 0C and with reflective mirror was above 65 0C which is higher than the maximum allowable temperature for ginger. Maximum instantaneous efficiency was found to be 59.4% and 79.39% and average was 53.14% and 60.18% without mirror and with mirror respectively. It is seen that the average efficiency of the collector is increased by 8.04% with reflector. The initial moisture content of ginger was 82.95% and it took 16 hours of day time to reach its equilibrium moisture of 12% when dried in solar dryer and took 48 hours in open sun drying with 8 hours of drying per day. The time of drying reduced in dryer by 66.7% and the quality of dried Vegetable & Fruits was found well than open sun drying.Index Terms:-
Solar Dryer; Forced Convection; Solar Radiation.REFERENCES
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