Design and Fabrication of Frictionless Power Generation Through Wheel
Ashutosh Bamane, Parth Desak, Vaibhav Dumada, Chirag Gharat, Sagar Patil
Journal of Thermal and Fluid Science
volume 5: Issue 1, Jan-June 2024, pp 27-34
Author's Information
Ashutosh Bamane1
Corresponding Author
1Department of Mechanical Engineering, St. John College of Engineering & Management, Palghar, India
Parth Desak2, Vaibhav Dumada
Department of Mechanical Engineering, St. John College of Engineering & Management, Palghar, India
This project aims to design and fabricate a novel system for frictionless power generation by harnessing the principles of Faraday’ law of electromagnetic induction. Traditional methods of power generation often involve friction and mechanical wear, leading to energy loss and maintenance issue. In this project, we propose a solution that minimizes friction and maximizes efficiency by leveraging the rotational motion of the wheel. The core principle behind this system involves placing conductive coil strategically around the circumference of a rotating wheel. As the wheel rotates, the magnetic field created by permanent magnets embedded within the wheel induces an electric current in the coil, according to Faraday’s law. This induced current can then be harvested and utilized to generate electrical power. By minimizing friction, the system can efficiently convert kinetic energy into electrical power.Index Terms:-
Power Generation, Magnets, Coil, Frictionless, Faraday’s Law.REFERENCES
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