Design and Development of Solar Tiffin Warmer with Thermal Storage
Chirag Kale, Arya Babu, Dushyant Patil, Deepak Prasad, Yash Thakare
Journal of Thermal and Fluid Science
volume 5: Issue 1, Jan-June 2023, pp 10-19
Author's Information
Chirag Kale1, Arya Babu2
Corresponding Author
1Department of Mechanical Engineering, St. John College of Engineering & Management, Palghar, India,
Dushyant Patil3, Deepak Prasad4, Yash Thakare5,
Department of Mechanical Engineering, St. John College of Engineering & Management, Palghar, India
This paper proposes a novel design for a solar-powered tiffin warmer equipped with thermal storage capabilities. In many parts of the world, especially in developing regions, access to electricity is limited, making it challenging to keep food warm for extended periods. This issue is particularly pertinent for individuals who rely on packed meals, such as students, workers, and travelers. The proposed solar tiffin warmer addresses this challenge by harnessing solar energy to maintain the desired temperature of the food stored in the tiffin boxes. The system comprises a compact and portable tiffin integrated with solar reflecting mirror, a phase change material (PCM), thermal storage unit, and an efficient heating element. The system utilizes thermal storage materials to store excess heat energy during peak sunlight hours, ensuring consistent heating even in the absence of direct sunlight. This innovative approach not only provides a sustainable solution for keeping food warm but also reduces reliance on conventional energy sources, thus contributing to environmental sustainability. Through this project, we aim to offer an affordable, efficient, and eco-friendly solution to the challenge of keeping food warm without access to conventional energy sources. The solar tiffin warmer with thermal storage has the potential to improve the quality of life for individuals in off-grid areas while promoting sustainability and reducing carbon footprint.Index Terms:-
Solar Tiffin Warmer, Thermal Storage, Efficient, Sustainability, Cost Effective, Renewable Energy.REFERENCES
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