Design and Fabrication of Solar electric bicycle

Bhoir Aniket Sudhir, Bari Tanmay Chandrakant, Bari Omkar Prakash, Patel Dhruvik Chandrakant
Journal of Thermal and Fluid Science
Volume 3: Issue 2, December 2022, pp 53-58

Author's Information
Bhoir Aniket Sudhir1 
Corresponding Author
1Department Of Mechanical Engineering, St. John College of Engineering & Management University of Mumbai, India, India

Bari Tanmay Chandrakant2, Bari Omkar Prakash2, Patel Dhruvik Chandrakant2
2Department Of Mechanical Engineering, St. John College of Engineering & Management University of Mumbai, India, India

Short Article -- Peer Reviewed
Published online – 31 December 2022

Open Access article under Creative Commons License

Cite this article – Bhoir Aniket Sudhir, Bari Tanmay Chandrakant, Bari Omkar Prakash, Patel Dhruvik Chandrakant“Design and Fabrication of Solar electric bicycle ”, Journal of Thermal and Fluid Science, RAME Publishers, vol. 3, issue 2, pp. 53-58, December 2022.

The demand for petroleum products is at an all-time high right now due to the expanding number of cars. Because petroleum is not renewable and will eventually run out, switching to alternative energy sources is preferable. The price of crude oil has skyrocketed in recent years, and it appears there is no stopping it. The environment has recently attracted attention, and it appears that cleaner fuel options are in high demand. The hybrid bicycle is a project that can help reduce reliance on oil and promote cleaner technology. An electric bicycle is a low-cost alternative to a car. Dynamo power and solar energy are used to charge the battery. When there is no sunlight, the battery can be recharged by an electric source.
Index Terms:-
electric bicycle, solar energy, dynamo power, battery charging .
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