Preliminary Design of a Ramjet Engine: An Analytical Approach
Neeraj Kumar, Vinay Anand Yadav
Journal of Thermal and Fluid Science
Volume 3: Issue 2, October 2022, pp 38-49
Author's Information
Neeraj Kumar1
Corresponding Author
1Department of Aerospace Engineering, Defence Institute of Advanced Technology, Pune 411025, Maharashtra, India, India
Vinay Anand Yadav2
2Department of Aerospace Engineering, Defence Institute of Advanced Technology, Pune 411025, Maharashtra, India, India
This work is based on preliminary design of Ramjet engine. Ramjet engine is simplest type of gas turbine engine used, which consists of non-moving parts for its operation. It is mainly used for power generation at supersonic speeds. This type of engine is mostly used in missiles, with a few applications in aircrafts. The present approach to preliminary design was based on mathematical equations considering ideal conditions. For the design, aero-thermodynamic equations were used starting with intake and followed by diffuser, combustor and nozzle. For the design purpose, initially Mach 2 and thrust of 10 kN was selected as desired condition. Subsequently, it was analyzed for the varying Mach numbers starting from Mach 1.5 to Mach 4 at desired thrust of 10 kN. Also, the design was analyzed for varying thrust from 6 kN to 22 kN at desired Mach number of 2. The results obtained have been reported and effects of variation of parameters have been represented graphically. The graphs were obtained using GNU Octave 6.4.0. The design achieved could be used for further steps of CAD model generation and subsequent analysis for the required purpose. It can serve as a base for detailed design of the engine.Index Terms:-
Ramjet, aerodynamics, thermodynamics, pressure, temperature .REFERENCES
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