Simulation of Micro-Chip Heat Sink to Investigate the Thermo-Fluid Behaviour and Temperature Distribution
Debasish Biswas, Krishna Ladha, Aditya Deb
Journal of Thermal and Fluid Science
Volume 3: Issue 1, June 2022, pp 32-37
Author's Information
Debasish Biswas1
Corresponding Author
1Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kalyani Government Engineering College, Kalyani-741235, India, India
Krishna Ladha2, Aditya Deb3
2,3Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kalyani Government Engineering College, Kalyani-741235, India
The efficient cooling from heat sinks is important for the proper functioning and longevity of a central processing unit (CPU). In this Project, ANSYS simulation of a modified micro-fin heat sink was done and the results were analyzed to get an idea of the approximate rate of Heat transfer, Temperature distribution and Thermo fluid behavior of the heat sink mounted on the central processing unit. Air cooling methods by free convection and conduction are used for heat extraction. The simulation was based on the effects on inlet fluid velocity, design of fins and location of source on the performance of the Heat Sink. The Turbulent SST model is used. The Heat transfer rate, temperature and pressure distribution were obtained for different designs of fin. After complete analysis, an increased air flow velocity at inlet and thin sheet fins with source at the bottom of heat sink provides the most effective heat transfer rate.Index Terms:-
Micro-Chip Heat Sink, Heat Transfer, Temperature Distribution, Ansys, Turbulent SST Model .REFERENCES
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