Design of Hydraulic Transportation System Using Positive Displacement Pump for Deep Sea Mining
Robin Babu
Journal of Thermal and Fluid Science
Volume 3: Issue 1, June 2022, pp 14-27
Author's Information
Robin Babu1
Corresponding Author
1Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department, Christian College of Engineering and Technology, Bhilai, India, India
Land mining operations are coping with decrease in the ore grades, increase in the demands and prices of the metal and with the accomplishments achieved by the offshore industry (oil & gas) market in mind, sea floor mining has once again become an attention-grabbing industry. This young market offers a lot of new prospects for the dredging and offshore industry, whose expertise will be required by the mining industry for operating offshore. In this paper the hydraulic transportation system using positive displacement pump for deep sea mining is designed as this type of system is undergoing a lot of research nowadays. This system is designed to vertically transport the mined manganese nodules present in Indian Ocean at a depth of 1500 m. The nodules have varied diameter and the system is designed by considering the losses which occurs during the mining process and the factors involved in transportation process. This paper hopes to give an idea about the current design procedure for the hydraulic transportation for deep sea mining using the positive displacement pump system and the various other possibilities of designing this system. The opportunities for deep sea mining have just gained scope as a result of the depletion of the resources in land-based mines and in future it may be the only option for the sustenance of human kind.Index Terms:-
Deep Sea Mining, Dredging, Hydraulic Transportation System, Positive Displacement Pump.REFERENCES
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