Design and Manufacturing of Automated Sanitization Machine

Pramod Sahare, Abhishek M. Shastrakar, Manoj N. Nibrad, Ankush M. Dongre, Piyush B. Betal, Shubham S Hanumante, Mayur R. Landge
Journal of Thermal and Fluid Science
Volume 2: Issue 2, September 2021, pp 93-97

Author's Information
Pramod Sahare1 
Corresponding Author
1Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Rajiv Gandhi Collage of Engineering, Research and Technology, Chandrapur, India, India

Abhishek M. Shastrakar2, Manoj N. Nibrad2, Ankush M. Dongre2, Piyush B. Betal2, Shubham S Hanumante2, Mayur R. Landge2
2Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Rajiv Gandhi Collage of Engineering, Research and Technology, Chandrapur, India

Research Paper -- Peer Reviewed
Published online – 09 September 2021

Open Access article under Creative Commons License

Cite this article – Pramod Sahare, Abhishek M. Shastrakar, Manoj N. Nibrad, Ankush M. Dongre, Piyush B. Betal, Shubham S Hanumante, Mayur R. Landge “Design and Manufacturing of Automated Sanitization Machine ”, Journal of Thermal and Fluid Science, RAME Publishers, vol. 2, issue 2, pp. 93-97, September 2021.

Hand Sanitization machine is very much need in the pandemic situation. It comprises of an angle frame, which is acting as an entrance gate. Detection of person will be done with the help sensor camera. After detection person will be sanitized for 10 seconds through two types of spray nozzles. 4-way nozzle is kept at top and other two nozzles at middle. Pipe is connected through reducer which is connected to a pump. Elbow and joints are needed as per the requirement. Basically, it is very much useful to the people.
Index Terms:-
Sanitization, Pump, nozzles, reducer.
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