Numerical Analysis of Screw Turbine
Anup Bijagare, Bhosale Kedar, Darade Vishal, Bhosale Rohan, Gawade Vaibhav
Journal of Thermal and Fluid Science
Volume 2: Issue 2, July 2021, pp 43-49
Author's Information
Anup Bijagare1
Corresponding Author
1Assistant Professor, Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, JSPM Narhe Technical Campus, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Bhosale Kedar2, Darade Vishal2, Bhosale Rohan2, Gawade Vaibhav2
2Student, Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, JSPM Narhe Technical Campus, Pune, Maharashtra, India
This research aims to examine the design parameters for best performance of the Archimedean screw turbine. A 1 blade Archimedean Screw Turbine Inclined Axis has been developed, and theoretical power and efficiency estimates have been computed. The relevance of the Archimedes screw for low-head energy and the very minimal environmental effect of this project is also highlighted. The structural study of the screw pump is also part of this project. For structural analysis of aluminum, mild steel and glass epoxy as screw turbine material. If it is best to find out and aluminum, maximum stress and deformation is suggested.Index Terms:-
Screw turbine, Archimedes screw, screw pump, FE Analysis, CFD .REFERENCES
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