Liquid Desiccant Dehumidification and Cooling System: A Review
Jamadar Zulkarnain A.
Journal of Thermal and Fluid Science
Volume 2: Issue 2, July 2021, pp 38-42
Author's Information
Jamadar Zulkarnain A.1
Corresponding Author
1Student, Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, JSPM Narhe Technical Campus, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Liquid dehumidification was shown to be an efficient way of extracting air moisture with comparatively minimal energy. Draining cooling systems have been given significant attention in recent years because they are capable of using little thermal energy. The potential for hybrid cooling (HCS) as well as simulation results shows the benefits of this system in comparison with traditional vapor compression systems (VCS). When one tone of the compressor is employed in an HCS instead of VCS the cooling impact and COP increase in the HCS by 60 percent and 45 percent correspondingly.Index Terms:-
Liquid desiccant, Dehumidification, Cooling, Lithium chloride .REFERENCES
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