State of the art review on portable oxygen concentrator
Varun S. Shroff
Journal of Thermal and Fluid Science
Volume 2: Issue 1, March 2020, pp 7-15
Author's Information
Varun S. Shroff1
Corresponding Author
1Department of Mechanical Engineering, JSPM Narhe Technical Campus, Pune, Maharashtra, India
A mobile oxygen concentration unit (POC) is a means of treating individuals with oxygen requiring higher amounts of oxygen than environmental levels. The size and mobility of something is lesser. They are sufficiently tiny to be transported, and a large number currently have FAA approval. Of recent weeks, exponential inflation in Indian coronavirus infections has inundated the health care system, and there have been patients dying outside of hospitals in ambulances and parking lots. The supplies of medical oxygen have also been exhausted, which is essential for those sick. In the simulated aircraft environment, a case study was conducted out on the comparison of mobile oxygen concentrators. To note and observe if the difference in flight's performance has modified the POC, the various aircraft were picked. Data can assist explain device performance disparities reported in human research. Shorter, more portable oxygen than knee-height and box Concentrators are available in a range of sizes, forms and even colors. These POCs are a gadget for the future since they provide mobility.Index Terms:-
Light portable oxygen concentrator, Zen-O portable oxygen concentrator, Sequal Equinox, Oxlife portable oxygen concentrator.REFERENCES
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