Heat Transfer Enhancement in Laminar Flow Using Vortex Generator - A review
Saurabh G. Deo
Journal of Thermal and Fluid Science
Volume 2: Issue 1, March 2020, pp 1-6
Author's Information
Saurabh G. Deo1
Corresponding Author
1Department of Mechanical Engineering, JSPM Narhe Technical Campus, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Improve the transport of heat by various techniques has for long years been an intensive focus of research. Numerous applications are required to exchange high-performance heat. One example is the cooling of electronics like microprocessors. The current increase in heat exchange studies has led to efficient and compact heat exchangers as well. This research consists of numerical analysis for the improvement in heat exchange in a rectangular canal utilizing several kinds of LVG for laminar flow. To calculate 3-D steady viscous flows with heat transfer a computational fluid dynamics software program was utilized. The effects of Reynolds numbers from 500 to 1000 (laminar flow) are indicated at various angles of attack by vortices (30 kilometres and 45 kilometres). Three distinct forms of vortex generators are studied: a finite thick delta wing, a trapezoidal wing and a pair of winglets for delta wings (also called a halve delta wing). The number Nusselt is calculated without the LVG and compared to the number Nusselt. The results reveal that the LVG improves the thermal transmission in the rectangular channel efficiently. In addition, the influence on the channel was assessed of the LVG drag and the associated pressure decrease. The friction factor for Darcy was calculated and compared without LVG with the friction factor (f0). In each example, the parameter for performance assessment was calculated to measure the total configuration efficiency. Results are examined and recommendations are offered for further research.Index Terms:-
Heat transfer enhancement, Twisted tape, Vortex generator, nanofluid.REFERENCES
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