Development of Paver Block by Using Plastic Waste
Trishanku Choudhary, Dhirajkumar Thakur, Pushkar Umap, Nihal Kolhe, Vishal Gajghate
Journal of Production and Industrial Engineering
Volume 4: Issue 2, September 2023, pp 98-100
Author's Information
Vishal Gajghate1
Corresponding Author
1G H Raisoni University, Saikheda, M.P., India
Trishanku Choudhary2, Dhirajkumar Thakur2, Pushkar Umap2, Nihal Kolhe2
2G H Raisoni University, Saikheda, M.P., India
The aim of the rapid industrialization and urbanization in the country leads lot of infrastructure development. This process leads to several problems like shortage of construction materials, increased productivity of wastes and other products. This paper deals with the reuse of waste plastics as partial replacement of coarse aggregate in M25 concrete is used for most constructional works. Waste plastics were incrementally added in 0%, 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% to replace the same amount of aggregate. Tests were conducted on coarse aggregates, fine aggregates, cement and waste plastics to determine their physical properties. Paver Blocks and Solid blocks of size 200mm X150mmX60mm and 2oommX100mmX65mm were casted and tested for 7, 14 and 28 days strength. The result shows that the compressive strength of M25 Concrete with waste plastic.Index Terms:
Plastic Waste, Fine Aggregate, Cement, Paver BlockREFERENCES
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