Transformational Leadership and Its Impact on Realizing Organizational Happiness
Baqer Khudair Al-Hadrawi, Ameer Rajeh Jawad, Ali Raheem Al-Zurfi
Journal of Production and Industrial Engineering
Volume 4: Issue 2, July-September 2023, pp 60-73
Author's Information
Baqer Khudair Al-Hadrawi1
Corresponding Author
1Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University,Kufa, Iraq
Ameer Rajeh Jawad2
2Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University,Kufa, Iraq
Ali Raheem Al-Zurfi3
3Iraqi Media Network,Najaf, Iraq
Organizational achievement is determined by several factors, particularly human resources. Human resources with high levels of happiness will certainly affect productivity and tasks performed. Since workers spend most of their day working in the organization, it is evident that the organizational environment will influence the emotional well-being of the workers. This study aims at Transformational leadership and its impact on achieving organizational happiness on a sample of workers at Islamic University, Najaf, Iraq, based on the descriptive analytical approach to achieving this goal. The results have proven that leaders who have the skills of listening and thinking about the career path of workers greatly affect the happiness of workers in the organization.Index Terms:
: Transformational leadership, organizational happiness, Islamic University, Najaf, Iraq.REFERENCES
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