Effect of Content Marketing on Industrial Segmentation: An Applied Study in Iraqi Telecommunication and Public Company
Sarmad Hamza Jassim
Journal of Production and Industrial Engineering
Volume 4: Issue 1, Jan-June 2023, pp 13-23
Author's Information
Sarmad Hamza Jassim
Corresponding Author
Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Administration and Economics, Mustansiriyah University, Baghdad, Iraq.
The research aims to clarify the importance of content marketing for company and know the extent of its effect on industrial segmentation for company's markets, according to the applied research curriculum in Iraqi Telecommunication and Public Company. Research samples was identified according to the intentional method are (102) managers, whose reply on a questionnaire and their answers must to analyzed statistically. Research conclusions that were most prominent of which is that content marketing has a link and an impact at industrial segmentation, and to the most prominent recommendations, company should be concerned with content marketing that included: promotional content, communication symmetry, establishing brands, and updating trends, and considers it a guide and mentor for operations of industrial retail for the markets in which it operates.Index Terms:
Content Marketing, Industrial Segmentation, Promotional Content, Communication Symmetry, Establishing Brands, and Updating TrendsREFERENCES
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