The Use of Quantitative Techniques and Their Role in The Administrative Decision-Making Process in Organizations

Basher F. Mohammed
Journal of Production and Industrial Engineering
Volume 3: Issue 2, December 2022, pp 21-30

Author's Information
Basher F. Mohammed1 
Corresponding Author
1Madenat Alelem University college, Iraq

Article -- Peer Reviewed
Published online – 31 December 2022

Open Access article under Creative Commons License

Cite this article – Basher F. Mohammed,“The Use of Quantitative Techniques and Their Role in The Administrative Decision-Making Process in Organizations”, Journal of Production and Industrial Engineering, RAME Publishers, vol. 3, Issue 2, pp. 21-30, December 2022.

Due to the developments taking place in the field of communications, informatics systems and knowledge management in the current century, and the obligations and burdens imposed on the business organization to keep pace with these developments, the traditional methods of administrative decision-making are no longer feasible, as recent trends have emerged in management that focus on the need to rely on quantitative methods such as operations research. . The latter is one of the results of World War II, which appeared for the first time in Britain to manage war operations. The first method used in this field is the linear programming method. The use of operations research has developed greatly in the past years, and the methods of analysis in operations research have become tools to address many problems to assist managers in decision-making, such as maximizing profits, minimizing costs, transportation and appointment problems, etc.
Index Terms:
administrative decision, organization process, quantitative techniques, management.

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  15. To view full paper, Download here

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